Heat First Limited – Plumbing and heating solutions
Logo design, vehicle livery design, social media management, website hosting, maintenance and security
Heat First was looking for me to help them create a logo design for their new plumbing and heating business. As a start-up business, the client was focusing on the domestic market and wanted a bold and relatable logo that appealed to their customers. The client also requested that there be a clear tagline ‘Plumbing and Heating Services’ which was incorporated into the logo layout.

After the initial first meeting with the client to understand the direction of the business, I proceeded with researching the plumbing and heating industry. From my research I produced a concept logo design that was signed off after minimal adjustments, enabling me to implement primary colours to finish off the final Heat First logo. From there I created the stationery which included business cards, an invoice template and letterhead. The final stage was to create the artwork for the client’s van. This involved creating a document for the printers outlining where the visual design assets would go on the van including all design assets required.

I produced a bold clean logo accompanied by a logomark that would be utilised across different platforms including the Heat First social media profiles (Instagram story examples above). I integrated two shades of blue within the logo to give the feeling of a secure, reliable, and trustworthy service. The logo was used across the stationery, livery, and the Heat First Facebook business page.